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MODAPTO’s first reporting period: Successful review marks progress towards next project phase

The MODAPTO project’s first reporting period has now concluded, and the European Commission has conducted an initial review with the MODAPTO consortium. During this meeting, which took place in Athens on September 20, 2024, the consortium partners were able to present their achievements to date and the project’s progress, the current status, and the remaining steps toward the completion of the project to the Project Officer and Expert Reviewer.

The technical quality of progress in view of MODAPTO were reviewed by the Project Officer and Expert Reviewer, putting special emphasis on scientific and technical advances relevant for the project objectives. During this process the status of technical works at each of the pilots and factories involved in the project has been presented and reviewed. Various questions were asked by the Project Officer and the Expert Reviewer, so that a complete update could be given with regard to the status of the project, suggestions and guidelines could be provided, and to verify that indeed, the work plan goes well.

All consortium partners are highly motivated and committed with great relish for the next phase of the project. The consortium now awaits the official EU review report.