AMiMO cluster aims to:
Expand the projects’ impact beyond individual schemes.
Contribute significantly to the dissemination and communication of cutting-edge scientific developments.
Facilitate resource exchange among experts who share an aligned research mission.
Strengthen the ties and cooperation among EU-funded research initiatives.
Meet the Projects’ Representatives
The project representatives who participated in the discussions and fostered this collaboration are:
- Athens Technology Centre and Université de Lorraine: Representing MODAPTO.
- Fraunhofer IWU and CORE IC: Representing MODUL4R.
- EXELISIS IKE and CRIT: Representing ONE4ALL.
- ENSAM and Steinbeis Europa Zentrum: Representing MARS
- Energy Efficiency in Industrial Processes (EEIP): Representing DMaaST

MARS Manufacturing Architecture for Resilience and Sustainability
The European project MARS aims to revolutionise the manufacturing industry by introducing extreme flexibility without compromising product requirements, quality, or sustainability. MARS aims to achieve this by leveraging advanced technologies such as Artificial intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), and cloud and edge computing to create a highly adaptable and dynamic manufacturing environment. Through these technologies MARS creates an interconnected and intelligent manufacturing ecosystem that seamlessly integrates with the supply chain and enables real-time monitoring and control. MARS will hence enable manufacturers to respond to changes in demand and supply quickly and efficiently.

MODUL4R Industrial Manufacturing strategies for distributed control and resilient, rapidly responsive and reconfigurable supply chains.
MODUL4R is a 42-month project funded by Horizon Europe programme that aims to advance manufacturing with robust and autonomous modular production lines and supply chains. These advancements will allow for a low-volume production of new products in a cost-efficient manner, while providing the ability to rapidly adapt to unexpected situations and fluctuating supply chains. The project focuses on the following four key-pillars, offering hardware and software components: Resilience against changes in customer and societal demands, as well as disruptions in the supply chain, Modular Technologies for flexible manufacturing operations, Simulation and interfaces to the Industrial Metaverse, Human centred technologies and upskilling. With these four pillars, MODUL4R will motivate a shift toward a “think small” paradigm through competitive and resilient high-performance manufacturing with green and circular practices.

ONE4ALL Agile and modular cyber-physical technologies supported by data-driven digital tools to reinforce manufacturing resilience
ONE4ALL project started in January 2023 and will end in December 2026. It has been financed by the Horizon Europe Programme for approximately 6 million Euros. The project aims to boost manufacturing plants’ transformation, especially small and medium sized enterprises, towards industry 5.0 (I5.0), reinforcing their resilience under unexpected changes in social needs. It is done through a human-and-sustainability-centred development of plug-and-produce reconfigurable cyber-physical production modules (RCPMs). Those will consist of self-reconfigurable mobile collaborative robots embedded with IIOT devices for real-time monitorisation and interconnectivity. The potential of ONE4ALL will be demonstrated in two relevant environments from different sectors (agri-food and pharmaceutical), both highly affected by disruption given their high and fluctuant demand and not fully impacted yet by I5.0 transformations.

DMaaST Innovative modelling and assessment capabilities through MaaS for Manufacturing Ecosystem resiliency
DMaaST aims to enhance the manufacturing ecosystem's resiliency and capability of self-adaptation in response to external events. As global supply chains face unprecedented challenges, DMaaST offers a groundbreaking solution that integrates cutting-edge technologies to enhance the manufacturing ecosystem’s resiliency and capability of self-adaptation in response of external events and ensure manufacturing industries can thrive. The European project DMaaST has a vision for the future of manufacturing. By combining innovative technologies and a commitment to sustainability, the way for a more resilient, efficient, and sustainable manufacturing industry is created.