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MODAPTO Partners’ Interviews: Lithuanian Innovation Centre (LIC)

Welcome to the MODAPTO video series! Here, you will have the opportunity to meet our project partners and discover the exciting work they are contributing to the project.

This video features Mr. Mantas Vilys, Director at Lithuanian Innovation Centre (LIC).

The team at LIC delves into their role in the project and their motivations for participating. They share their insights on MODAPTO and their expectations from their involvement.

The video highlights essential topics, including the key benefits of enabling seamless module integration through digital twins and how the MODAPTO toolkit will facilitate the adoption and interoperability of digital twins. It also discusses the new elements they plan to introduce to the project, their strategies for supporting sustainable modular production decisions, and the development of sustainability capabilities for new production modules. Additionally, the video explores the potential impact of these advancements on the European manufacturing industry.

Watch the video below to discover LIC’s contributions to the MODAPTO project and how their efforts are setting new standards in the manufacturing sector.