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MODAPTO 2nd Plenary Meeting Unveils Progress and Future Paths for Transformative Industrial Systems

Taking a big step towards revolutionising industrial systems, the MODAPTO project recently reached a critical moment during its 2nd Plenary Meeting, hosted by the BOC team in Vienna, Austria, on November 22nd and 23rd, 2023. This face-to-face gathering brought together team members to delve into the details of the project’s vision for flexible industrial systems enhanced by distributed intelligence through interoperable Digital Twins (DTs), based on industrial standards.

A key focus of the meeting was a comprehensive discussion on the three Use Cases (UCs) that form the backbone of MODAPTO. Team members engaged in in-depth conversations, giving special attention to the unique challenges and opportunities presented by different production processes.

Amidst the discussions, an illuminating introduction was made into the world of Asset Administration Shell (AAS) standards for digital twins. This standard plays a pivotal role in shaping the interoperable Digital Twins that lie at the core of MODAPTO’s vision.

Also, ensuring alignment and synergy, the meeting also tackled the crucial task of defining and correlating user requirements, technical specifications, and the overarching project architecture. This meticulous approach lays the groundwork for a robust and coherent implementation of MODAPTO’s ambitious goals.

Addressing the practical aspects of the project, the team delved into an initial plan for the deployment and integration of MODAPTO components. This strategic discussion sets the stage for translating conceptual innovations into tangible, real-world applications.

The meeting highlighted the two main pillars that fortify MODAPTO’s foundation. Team members deepened their understanding of how each production module is enriched by a Digital Twin, offering advanced distributed intelligence functionalities. Standardising interfaces through AAS emerged as a key strategy for seamless coordination. MODAPTO’s holistic approach was underscored, emphasising not only distributed intelligence but also introducing a framework for production design and reconfiguration, supported by collective intelligence tools.

The plenary meeting concluded with a discussion on the outcomes of the deliberations and charting the course for the next steps in project coordination and dissemination activities. This collaborative effort among consortium members ensures a shared vision and a clear roadmap for MODAPTO. The collaborative spirit, in-depth discussions, and strategic planning showcased during these two days underscore the commitment of the MODAPTO team to reshape the future of industrial systems.

Stay tuned as we continue to unfold the narrative of MODAPTO’s journey, driving innovation and intelligence in the industrial landscape!