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MODAPTO joins the AMiMO cluster, a new collaboration of research projects!

MODAPTO recently joined forces with three other projects to create a cluster of EU-funded initiatives, united by a shared research focus on “Excellence in distributed control and modular manufacturing.” These projects, recipients of Horizon Europe Programme funding, share a common goal: to explore the modularity of production systems. The objective is to enable flexibility, allowing production systems to adapt to emerging needs, variability in the demand and unforeseen circumstances by reorganizing, introducing, and removing different modules and process steps. This collaborative synergy among these projects extends their impact beyond individual efforts, making significant contributions to the dissemination and communication of cutting-edge scientific developments.

The journey began with a virtual meeting of the partnering projects on July 10, 2023, and their commitment to this collective endeavor was apparent from the outset. A follow-up meeting was scheduled for October 11, 2023, during which participants engaged in productive brainstorming sessions.

Defining the AMiMO Cluster

The highlight of the October meeting was the official naming of the cluster, a result of collaborative consensus. It is now known as “AMiMO” – Automated Manufacturing with Intelligent Modules. This name embodies the cluster’s vision and its commitment to develop cutting-edge techniques for reconfigurable manufacturing systems.

Furthermore, the meeting facilitated in-depth discussions and the development of a comprehensive roadmap, outlining common activities related to dissemination and communication. The roadmap will continue to evolve, ensuring that these four projects make a lasting impact.

Projects forming AMiMO cluster

The 3 projects that teamed up with MODAPTO and created the AMiMO cluster are:

Meet the Projects’ Representatives

The project representatives who participated in the discussions and fostered this collaboration are:

  • Athens Technology Centre and Université de Lorraine: Representing MODAPTO.
  • Fraunhofer IWU and CORE IC: Representing MODUL4R.
  • EXELISIS IKE and CRIT: Representing ONE4ALL.
  • ENSAM and Steinbeis Europa Zentrum: Representing MARS.

The enthusiasm and optimism among these partners are palpable, and they look forward to an ongoing and fruitful collaboration. The agenda is already set for future meetings, with the next gathering scheduled for February.

The journey of AMiMO is just beginning, and it promises to reshape the landscape of modular manufacturing in Europe. Stay tuned for more updates!