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MODAPTO Partners’ Interviews: Athens Technology Center (ATC)

Welcome to the MODAPTO video series! Here, you will have the opportunity to meet our project partners and discover the exciting work they are contributing to the project.

This video features Mr. George Triantafyllou, Senior Project Manager at Athens Technology Center (ATC), who serves as the Project Coordinator within the project.

Mr. Triantafyllou delves into ATC’s multifaceted role within MODAPTO, not just in project management but also as the pivotal software integrator and an active participant in the project’s technical endeavors. He highlights the development of innovative tools aimed at addressing key manufacturing needs, including simulation/optimisation, predictive maintenance, and enhancing sustainability on the shopfloor.

This video covers essential topics such as:

  • The critical advantages of seamless module integration using Digital Twins and the ways in which the MODAPTO Toolkit will facilitate the wider adoption of Digital Twins technology.
  • Strategies for optimising each segment of the production line through enhanced module operation, leading to significant efficiency improvements across the board.
  • ATC’s approach to supporting decisions for sustainable modular production and the development of novel sustainability capabilities for new production modules, along with their potential impact on the European Manufacturing Industry.

Check in the video below all the contributions of Athens Technology Center to the MODAPTO project and how their efforts are setting new standards in the manufacturing sector.