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MODAPTO Partners’ Interviews: Centro Ricerche Fiat (CRF)

Welcome to the MODAPTO video series! Here, you will have the opportunity to meet our project partners and discover the exciting work they are contributing to the project.

This video features our partner, Dr. Giulio Vivo, Senior Specialist at CRF. He discusses the organisation’s involvement in the MODAPTO project, highlighting its role and the reasons behind its participation.

The video highlights key topics, including the benefits of seamless module integration via digital twins and how the MODAPTO toolkit will drive the adoption and interoperability of these technologies. Dr. Giulio Vivo discusses their unique contributions to the project, their approach to advancing sustainable modular production and integrating sustainability capabilities into new production modules. The video also examines the potential impact of these innovations on the European manufacturing industry

Check out the video below to see all CRF’s contributions to the MODAPTO project and how their efforts are setting new standards in the manufacturing sector!